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  • oliviarosemcnamara

Remix Assessment - Post 5

August 23-25th

I am noticing that the difficult thing about this task is ensuring that the sound design wasn’t just becoming too complex and turning into utter noise; it needed to still have a sense of musicality. I am also noticing that the more I work on this task, it opens the doors to even more possibilities and ideas, and I find myself getting carried away - and to be honest I am running out of time to do everything I would like to.

Into the technical side of things...

Regarding the Intergalactic Sample specifically, the main effects I have used include

  • Delay

  • Saturation

  • OTT compression

  • Sidechaining

  • General sampling (reversing, rearranging, chopping)

  • Layering rhythms and synths

  • Re-pitching and recolouring

The Intergalactic sample itself is spread nicely throughout the track; some recognisable and some unrecognisable. The effects listed above have all been used in either longer or very short sections of the original sample.

In terms of VST Plugins I used Serum as my primary synthesizer of choice and I often was finding that my synths needed to be more organic sounding - a lot of sounds I manage to create myself sound a little 'computerised' for my liking. For synths such as my saw wave pad synth for the chords, I was able to draw out a custom LFO and map this to a specific parameter in Serum (some synths I would map the LFO to either the wavetable position, or cutoff, or drive etc) and these techniques added a subtle yet significant amount of movement to the sound.

Below: A screenshot of Serum where the LFO has been mapped to the 'drive' knob.

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